Utilizing Headset Bridge Signal Activity Feed For Market and Pricing Insights

In the training video, Sarah from Headset's customer support team takes viewers through the BridgeSignal activity feed, highlighting its features and benefits that retailers can leverage for better business decision making and competitive landscape understanding.

The focus of this video is primarily how retailers can use product pricing to increase their market success.

Key Takeaways:
  1. The BridgeSignal activity feed can be effectively used to gain insights into product pricing among competitors, promotion strategies, and new arrivals in the market.
  2. A careful analysis of price changes can help retailers understand market behaviors and adjust their own pricing strategies to stay competitive.
  3. The activity feed offers a detailed view of promotional activities that can help retailers identify why their sales might be declining and when their competition is running promotions.
  4. Using filters to focus on new product ads allows retailers to research products before adding them to their inventory.
  5. The BridgeSignal activity feed allows saving specific filter settings for repeated use, saving time for future market research.

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