E21 - Acquisitions abound, AZ vs WA by the numbers, and ‘ankle-biters’?

High-Rise Podcast | Headset
January 29, 2024
Episode #

Welcome back to another fresh episode of the High-Rise! Our hosts Cy Scott and Emily Paxhia jump right into some exciting acquisition news with Trulieve completing the purchase of Harvest. Trulieve/Harvest will now have 149 shops across 11 states with three major hubs in AZ, FL, and PA. In other acquisition news, The Parent Company has just purchased Coastal, a retail license holder/operator with 11 locations, which will increase their footprint across the California Market. This move however comes with a few lawsuits waiting in the wings.

Cy and Emily break down some interesting numbers between average monthly sales, AIP, and total baskets between the states of Arizona and Washington. The state of Washington has typically been a powerhouse with regard to retail stats since the state went legal almost 10 years ago.

To close out this episode, our hosts dive into some news from Canada, as Tilray CRO Irwin Simon posted a slightly controversial tweet where he referred to smaller LPs/competition in the pejorative as ‘ankle-biters,’ which set a small wildfire in that corner of Twitter.

As usual, lots of great cannabis news covered in this episode, we hope you enjoy listening — if you like what you hear then please subscribe and share with everyone you know!

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High-Rise Podcast | Headset
January 29, 2024
Episode #

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