January 17, 2020

What's going on with millennials, the silent generation, and flower?

Millennials and the silent generation share a similar level of interest in flowers.
Written by
Cassie Thielen
Published on
January 17, 2020
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Although flower is still the most popular cannabis category across all generations, there is a trend that the younger generations have less interest in flower. The same lower interest in straight cannabis is also seen in the Silent Generation (76+ years of age). With Millennials, the decrease in flower share has been more than fully absorbed by the increase in concentrates. For the Silent Generation, the decrease has been absorbed by  the increase in capsules, tinctures, and topicals.

Cannabis category share by generation
Cannabis category share by generation

Of course this commonality can be assigned to both generations' lackluster attitude toward smoking in general, but one wonders, what other unexpected common denominators surface when you dig in data.

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