December 9, 2020

Metadata: Which cannabis products dominate the market?

Metadata dashboards allow subscribers to explore product traits and learn how products and brands are growing and gaining market share.
Written by
Jewel Loree
Published on
December 9, 2020
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We are happy to announce the first three dashboards of our new Insights Premium module on metadata! These new dashboards give you unparalleled access to various product traits to help you understand what kinds of products are resonating with the market.

What is metadata?

Metadata is information about product traits that can differ from category to category. For example, in Edibles and Beverages, we have metadata about flavors. In inhalable categories like Flower, Pre-Rolls, and Concentrates, we have metadata about strains. A full list of available metadata is available in our knowledge base.

What can I do with metadata?

With these dashboards, Insights Premium subscribers can understand what types of products dominate the market and which are growing, how brands are creating products to grow their market share, and which products command better prices or margins.

There are three dashboards now available in our metadata module.


This dashboard is your introduction to metadata.  Here you can examine the top attributes in a particular category and find which types of products have the largest market share and which are growing fastest. For example, you can review top strains within Flower in US markets.


This dashboard is where you learn more about a particular attribute or group of attributes in aggregation.  Examine sales of a particular attribute, market share, growth, and major players in the space.

Brand Information

This dashboard is where you can learn more about a particular brand, up to 10 brands, and understand what is driving their sales.  Here you can examine and compare brands to understand what drives sales and answer questions like, of the top Gummy manufacturer's in California, which dominates the Berry space and which is a major player in Mango?

What's next?

This set of dashboards is already more comprehensive than any other product data available, but later this month we will be releasing even more metadata dashboards to allow you to dig in even deeper.

  1. Filter and compare single attributes, like comparing performance of Blue Dream vs Wedding Cake strains or Strawberry vs Mango flavors.
  2. Look at metadata over time to understand seasonal and historical trends.
  3. Create groups of metadata, so you can compare Blueberry/Strawberry/Raspberry Edibles all as one "Berry" category vs other flavors.

Sign up for a demo if you'd like to explore what metadata could reveal about your market, or get a free Insights Pulse account to keep track of high-level market insights at no cost.

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