Bond Road

Data Snapshot: Apr 04, 2024
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Bond Road



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Bond Road Categories

Bond Road Sales

Market Insights Snapshot

Bond Road Historical Sales by Category

In the competitive cannabis market of Nevada, Bond Road has experienced a notable fluctuation in its performance within the Flower category. Initially ranked 14th in December 2023, the brand witnessed a significant drop to 42nd in January 2024, further descending to 58th in February before making a substantial recovery to 21st in March 2024. This rollercoaster ride highlights the brand's volatility in the market but also showcases its resilience and potential for recovery. The sharp decrease in sales from December 2023's $418,126 to February 2024's $105,895, followed by a rebound in March to $352,552, mirrors this instability yet indicates a strong capability to regain its footing in the competitive Nevada market.

The dramatic shifts in ranking and sales for Bond Road in the Flower category underscore the challenges and opportunities within the Nevada cannabis market. The absence from the top 30 brands in January and February 2024 could be perceived negatively, suggesting a loss of market share and consumer interest during this period. However, the significant improvement in March 2024, moving up to the 21st position, signals a positive turnaround for Bond Road. This movement may reflect strategic adjustments or market dynamics that allowed Bond Road to recapture some of its lost ground. While the specifics behind these fluctuations are not disclosed, the trend suggests an intriguing story of adaptation and resilience that could pique the interest of industry observers and consumers alike.

Mar-2024 Rank
Bond Road

Competitive Landscape

In the competitive Nevada flower market, Bond Road has experienced notable fluctuations in its rankings and sales over the recent months, indicating a volatile position among its competitors. Initially ranked 14th in December 2023, Bond Road saw a significant drop to 42nd in January 2024 and further to 58th in February 2024, before making a partial recovery to 21st in March 2024. This trajectory suggests challenges in maintaining market share against formidable competitors such as Summa Cannabis, which consistently ranked in the top 10 to 20, and Kynd Cannabis Company, which showed more stability in its rankings. Notably, Smoke Signals and &Shine also experienced fluctuations, but neither demonstrated the same degree of volatility as Bond Road. This analysis underscores the competitive dynamics within the Nevada flower category, highlighting the importance of strategic positioning and market adaptation for Bond Road to improve its rank and sales performance in the face of shifting consumer preferences and competitive pressures.

Bond Road market ranking for NV Flower

Bond Road

Notable Products

In March 2024, Bond Road saw White 99 (3.5g) leading its sales with a significant figure of 3326 units, marking it as the top-performing product for the month. Following closely, Mac & Cheese (3.5g) secured the second position, demonstrating strong consumer preference within the Flower category. Glueball (3.5g), previously the top product in February 2024, experienced a slight dip in popularity, landing in third place with 2572 units sold. The White 99 Nuggets (14g) showed a notable shift in its ranking, moving from not being in the top ranks in the previous two months to the fourth position in March. Lastly, Glueball (14g), which had consistently held top ranks in the preceding months, saw a decrease in its ranking, settling in fifth place, highlighting a shift in consumer preferences within Bond Road's offerings.

Product Rank
White 99 (3.5g)
Mac & Cheese (3.5g)
Glueball (3.5g)
White 99 Nuggets (14g)
Glueball (14g)
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