Product Count
Market Insights Snapshot
Ripple (formerly Stillwater Brands) has demonstrated a strong performance in the Colorado market, particularly within the Beverage and Capsules categories. The brand has consistently held the number two spot in the Beverage category from May to August 2024, with a notable increase in sales from $387,579 in May to $572,380 in August. This steady rank and significant sales growth indicate a robust market presence and consumer preference for Ripple's beverage products in Colorado. In the Capsules category, Ripple maintained the third position from May to July before moving up to the second position in August, highlighting an upward trend in this category as well.
In Missouri, Ripple's performance in the Beverage category has been consistent, maintaining the third rank from June to August 2024 after starting at the fourth position in May. While sales figures have shown slight fluctuations, the brand's ability to stay within the top three indicates a stable market presence. However, it is worth noting that Ripple did not make it into the top 30 brands in Missouri for any other categories, which could be seen as a missed opportunity for diversification in this state. This contrast between the strong performance in Colorado and the more modest success in Missouri provides valuable insights into the brand's regional dynamics and potential areas for growth.
Competitive Landscape
In the competitive landscape of the Colorado cannabis beverage market, Ripple (formerly Stillwater Brands) consistently holds the second rank from May to August 2024, indicating a stable position in the market. Despite this stability, Ripple faces stiff competition from Keef Cola, which maintains the top spot throughout the same period, showcasing significantly higher sales figures. Ripple's sales have shown a positive trend, increasing from May to August, but not enough to surpass Keef Cola. Meanwhile, Dixie Elixirs and CannaPunch are also notable competitors, with Dixie Elixirs improving its rank from fourth to third place in August, potentially posing a future threat to Ripple's position. This competitive environment underscores the importance for Ripple to innovate and enhance its market strategies to maintain and potentially improve its rank and sales in the Colorado beverage category.
Notable Products
In August 2024, the top-performing product from Ripple (formerly Stillwater Brands) was Pure Fast-Acting Dissolvable Powder 10-Pack (100mg) in the Beverage category, maintaining its first-place ranking with sales reaching $13,303. Revive - CBG/THC 1:1 Dissolvable Powder 10-Pack (100mg CBG, 100mg THC) climbed back to the second rank, showing a significant increase in sales. RipStick - Blue Raspberry Dissolvable Powder 10-Pack (100mg) was ranked third, slightly dropping from its second-place position in July. Sleep - CBN/THC 1:2 Unflavored Dissolvable Powder 10-Pack (50mg CBN, 100mg THC) remained consistent in fourth place. RipStick - Watermelon Dissolvable Powder 10-Pack (100mg) held steady at the fifth position, showing gradual growth over the past months.
Top Selling Cannabis Brands
Data for this report comes from real-time sales reporting by participating cannabis retailers via their point-of-sale systems, which are linked up with Headset’s business intelligence software. Headset’s data is very reliable, as it comes digitally direct from our partner retailers. However, the potential does exist for misreporting in the instance of duplicates, incorrectly classified products, inaccurate entry of products into point-of-sale systems, or even simple human error at the point of purchase. Thus, there is a slight margin of error to consider. Brands listed on this page are ranked in the top twenty within the market and product category by total retail sales volume.